Dear Dr. Professor,
It is 3:20 right now, and I have your exam in [required course for my major] to take in ten minutes. I know that I have not attended your class in about two weeks, which I thought would be okay since I have attempted to take this same course 3 times throughout my collegiate career, so I thought that I would be familiar enought with the beginning material to not have to go to all of the classes in the early semester. As I have told you before, I have three [classes in my major] immediately prior to yours, and this past week, I've had 2 assignments and one exam I needed to get done by yesterday and another tomorrow. I'm not saying that your class is less important than any other or any easier (trust me, it's just as hard, probably harder), but like I said before, I am much more familiar with your material than any of my other classes. Bottom line is, I am terribly unprepared to take your exam at this moment. I know that there is no excuse for not taking an exam except under extreme circumstances, but I feel that even if I take the exam at a later time, even with a penalty, I will do better than if I took it at this moment. I won't beg you, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE allow me to make up the exam at a later date. Any time, if you allow me to, would be perfectly understandable to me, no matter how late or early. I will accept a penalty also, if you want to give me one. If not, I fully understand as well (but hopefully you will allow me to, for this class is absolutely essential for my graduation this may). I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience I've caused, and I am fully prepared to make up for all of it. Thank you very much for understanding.
Sincerely, Student
This email was so shocking that it took me over 24 hours to calm down enough to send a reply. I did finally manage to do so without swearing like a sailor:
Dear Student,
Figuring out 10 minutes before the exam that you aren't prepared since you haven't been to class in two weeks is certainly not a good excuse for missing an exam. At the very least you should have contacted me earlier and asked for my permission to take the test at a later time. Barring that, you should have come to the test and then discussed your situation with me afterwards. Frankly, I'm shocked that you would act so irresponsibly concerning a class that you say is essential for your
graduation this May.
However, big softie that I am (and in the "give 'em enough rope" tradition), I did let him make up the exam for a 20 point penalty. His score: 15/100. I didn't bother to subtract the 20 points. He didn't bother to return to class.
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